Apple Quietly Quits Claiming That its Mac OS X is Virus Proof | InfoDatang
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Wednesday 27 June 2012

Apple Quietly Quits Claiming That its Mac OS X is Virus Proof

This might not be the stuff of major announcements and news releases, but it is likely a bigger deal than many of them. In the stealthiest of all fashions, Apple has quit bragging about the invincibility from computer viruses of the OS X operational system, which powers the giant’s computers.

The change regards the marketing messages on Apple’s website, which highlight the qualities of the Mac operating system. The overly confident “It doesn’t get PC viruses” statement has been replaced by a rather more humble “It is built to be safe”. Also, the “Safeguard your data. By doing nothing” slogan has been replace with “Safety. Built in.” You can check out the difference between the two descriptions in the image below.

This dramatic change of marketing language comes only a couple of months after hundreds of thousands of Apple computers got infected with malware. However, the occurrence should hardly come as a surprise, given the number of computers Apple has sold.



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